Vuosi: 1918
Kesto: 11 mins
Kuvaus: Refugees watch horsed transport move down a road by a shell dump. The gunners attend to their 155mm howitzers. Lorries move up another road. Gunners check that a 155mm Schneider gun is properly limbered before its team brings it out of the farmyard where they have been staying. Nearer the front a similar gun is winched into position, and the bombardment starts with 75mm field guns joining in. Engineers play out a telephone line in a newly-built trench. French and British soldiers rest together in a farmyard - the French are probably First Army and the British Fourth Army. The British then march off. A stretcher-case is brought in to an aid post nearby. One of the regiments which defended Grivesnes being marched out for a rest, probably 127th Division. Improvised armoured cars of II Cavalry Corps (machine gun and gunshield on a car body) pass in the other direction. A group of German prisoners captured by 163rd Division at Mailly-Raineval are marched across country to a holding camp, being stopped for interrogation by an officer on the way. At the camp (interpolated shot of high flying aircraft) the prisoners rest, bandage and delouse themselves, and are again interrogated. One, from 66th Infantry Regiment, is shown in close-up. Medical orderlies from 77th Division at Plessis-de-Roye bury German corpses. Soldiers of 162nd Division in foxholes in front of Montdidier look out over the approaches. A view of Mount Renaud, still in French hands.
French newsreel of Sixth and First Armies covering the flank of British Fourth Army in the Kaiserschlacht Offensive, Western Front, March-April 1918.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / French Army, Army 1 / French Army, Army 6 / British Army, Army 4 / French Army, [gunners] / French Army, Engineers / French Army, Div 127 / French Army, Corps, Cavalry, 2 / French Army, Div 163 / German Army, Infantry Regt 66 / French Army, Div 77 / French Army, Div 162 / refugees, French - flight / weapons, French - gun: 155mm howitzer / operations, French military - movement: road / operations, French military - movement: march / weapons, French - gun: 155mm Schneider / weapons, French - gun: 75mm field gun / combat, French - artillery bombardment / communications, French military - wire / society, British military - friendship / society, French military - friendship / medical, French military - emergency / armour, French - armoured car: improvised / prisoners of war, German - movement / intelligence, military, French - interrogation / prisoners of war, German - custody / society, German military - hygiene / casualties, German dead - battlefield / casualties, German graves - mass / 01/3(4-15).92 [1918 Somme 2] / Grivesnes, Somme, France / Mailly-Raineval, Somme, France / Plessis-de-Roye, Oise, France / Somme, France / Montdidier, Somme, France / Mont Renault, Somme, France
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Section Cinématographique de l'Armée Française
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Language: fr